Category: kmc aluminium

Aluminium Smelting Process Flow Chart

Aluminium in the form of bauxite ore is the third most abundant element found on earth after oxygen and silicon. Alumina or aluminium oxide is extracted from bauxite ore by means of the Bayer process. Aluminium smelting is the process by which an aluminium company extracts aluminium from its oxide, Alumina. It is the second…
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5 Fascinating Facts about Aluminium you were Unaware of

Aluminium can be considered as a modern man’s metal. According to historic evidence, copper and iron started being in use by early humans 9000 years ago, whereas aluminium dates back to less than 200 years of usage. The first person to produce aluminium, in 1825, was Hans Christian Ørsted in Copenhagen, Denmark. In fact, it…
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What are the Mechanical Properties of Aluminium?

From soda cans to aircraft, kitchenware to construction, aluminium is one of the most widely used metals. In its versatility, it is next only to steel. Aluminium is also the world’s most abundant metal. It is the third most common element comprising 8% of the earth’s crust. In its raw form, aluminium is found in…
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What is the Quality Policy Undertaken at KMC Aluminium?

KMC Aluminium is committed to providing high quality comprehensive services in aluminium extrusion catering to various industries such as manufacturing, construction, automotive, instrumentation, aerospace and renewable energy. KMC Aluminium is the largest producer of aluminium extrusions in Tamil nadu with a capacity of 6,000 metric tonnes and has sustained as a leader in the market…
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Aluminium’s Role & Smart Cities

The Government of India is on a mission to set up 100 smart cities across the country – this transition is sure to result in large amounts of consumption of aluminium. Currently, the construction industry is the second largest contributor to the GDP after the agricultural sector. In fact, KPMG predicts that by 2025, India’s…
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The Rise Of 3D Printing & Aluminium’s Role

3D printing is a fairly new technique that has huge ramifications for the future of manufacturing – broadly speaking, the process involves the solidification of molecules in a liquid or powdered form under computer control in a manner that results in the creation of a solid 3D object. Currently being used for the manufacturing of…
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The Solar Energy Industry & Aluminium Extrusion

Solar energy is rapidly growing as a sustainable/renewable source of energy that will soon replace other conventional carbon-based forms. Setting up a solar field was considered a high investment venture due to the silver used in the photovoltaic cells, until now. Of late, aluminium has been replacing silver as the major component in these cells,…
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Why Does Aluminium Have The Edge Over Stainless Steel?

History has been teaching us for years that stainless steel has a plethora of advantages over aluminium. However, researches have proven that aluminium today has the edge over stainless steel in more ways than one. In the early days, stainless steel was known for its performance and usage in terms of welding, cleaning, and bake-out,…
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The Metal of the Future

The “Aluminium Age” is here, and how! As this metal is getting increasingly widespread, more people are now realising the value and versatility of it. Over the past few years, KMC aluminium company, Tamil Nadu’s leading expert, has been providing services in the world of aluminium. At KMC, we employ a 5-step process which is…
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